About me

Welcome to my personal website. I am an economist working on competition and consumer matters at CRA in London. Below you find some of my academic research work. My research background relates to Empirical Industrial Organization, Behavioral Economics, Competition Policy, and Quantitative Marketing. I previously worked as an Assistant Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Affiliated Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics, where I still occasionally teach.



Working Papers

Identification of Time-Inconsistent Models (with Aprajit Mahajan and Alessandro Tarozzi) [pdf]
(Revision requested at The Review of Economic Studies)

Estimating Industry Conduct using Promotion Data (with Stefan Weiergraeber and Jose Paz y Mino) [pdf]
(Conditionally accepted at the RAND Journal of Economics)

Estimation of Within-Firm Pricing Coordination between Horizontally Aligned Brands
[available upon request]

A Simple Framework to Analyze Data Requirements for Policy Evaluation (with André Stenzel) [pdf]


Model-based Evaluation of Cooling-Off Policies (with André Stenzel)
[pdf] [web appendix] [mathematica proofs]
Games and Economic Behavior, 2021, vol 129, p.270-293.

Contractual Structures and Consumer Misperceptions  [pdf] (incl. Online Appendix)
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2018, vol 27 (2), p.188-205.

Market Regulation of Voluntary Add-on Contracts  [pdf]
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2017, vol 54, p. 239-268.

Environmental Policy Stringency and Technological Innovation: Evidence from Survey Data and Patent Counts (with Nick Johnstone, Ivan Hascic, Julie Poirier and Marion Hemar) Applied Economics, 2012, vol 44(17), p.2157-2170.

Old research papers

Identification and Estimation of Intra-Firm and Industry Competition via Ownership Change